Meet the CDFCP Steering Committee
The CDFCP has a volunteer Steering Committee, which includes 12 members.

Darryn McConkey - Chair
Darryn is a Senior Ecosystem Biologist at the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship. Darryn has been chair of the CDFCP since the formation of the CDFCP and has extensive knowledge of the ecosystems and species within the CDFCP.

Peter Arcese
Peter Arcese is FRBC Chair of Applied Conservation Biology in the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences and Faculty of Forestry. Peter works on the ecology and genetics of animals and plants, the persistence of small populations, and the design and management of nature reserves.

David Haley
David is a private forest owner within the CDFCP boundary with extensive experience of agro-forestry. He is currently using this life experience to influence agro-forestry and public policy relating to Coastal Douglas-fir and Associated Ecosystems and to integrate ecological values provided from private lands

Lynn Campbell
Lynn Campbell is Species at Risk Biologist at the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship working on voluntary biodiversity stewardship tools and chairs the Species and Ecosystems at Risk Local Government Working Group.

Tim Ennis
Tim Ennis is a conservation biologist and the President of the Cumberland-based Latitude Conservation Solutions Company. He has over 20 years of experience working to protect and restore biodiversity in BC. Tim volunteers on the Board of Directors of the Comox Valley Project Watershed Society and the Steering Committee of the Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership, both of which are working to protect and restore environmental values in the Salish Sea region.

Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith is the Executive Director of the Habitat Acquisition Trust, located in Victoria, BC. Kevin recently started with HAT after working with Ducks Unlimited Canada for over a decade as their National Manager Boreal Programs. Kevin has over twenty years of experience working with partners to advance conservation across Canada, including governments, industry, researchers, other non-governmental organizations, and Indigenous Peoples.

Kathryn Martell
Kathryn is an Ecosystems Protection Specialist at the Island Conservancy Trust whose vision is to protect and preserve the network of special and unique natural systems that make up the islands in the Salish Sea.

Erik Pikkiila
Eric works on behalf of Transition Salt Spring with non-profit organizations, Municipal Water District, private landowners, Regional Government, and citizens to effect wildfire prevention and climate solution in forested land in a very dry forested ecosystem in the BC Gulf Islands.

Leanna Warman
Leanna is a Conservation Ecologist working for The Nature Trust of British Columbia. She has over 25 years of education and experience in the fields of ecology and conservation planning and has worked on various conservation projects throughout British Columbia.

Billy Hammond
William Hammond is a habitat planner with the Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment and Climate Change Canada working on the Priority Place program. William is acting as the coordinator for the Southwest British Columbia Priority Place supporting the conservation of species at risk and their habitats through multi-species and ecosystem-based conservation planning and action.

Steven Godfrey
Steven is the Director of the Nature Conservancy for Canada's West Coast Program. He has gained extensive experience of protecting, managing and restoring sensitive ecosystems on Vancouver Island, and has found memories of working with Vancouver Island Marmot.

Jill Robinson
Jill is an Environmental Conservation Specialist at Capital Regional District. Jill has been involved in a multitude of wildlife research projects in many remote corners of the world (Alaska, Florida, Costa Rica and Manitoba). Jill has also gained extensive experience of delivering stewardship and outreach projects.